13 January 2013

Gun Grabber Lies

There's no way to actually list all the ways the gun grabbers lie to us continually. They lie about their intentions (yes, they want ALL guns; they won't admit it, because they have found out that to say so defeats their purpose... but if they say they only want "this" gun or "that" one because of its kill power, then at least some of us are rube enough to go along). They lie about their "reasoning"; it isn't reason; it's just a vain attempt at justification to cloak their intentions).

Anyway, some useful stuff: 18 Ways the Gun Grabbers Lie

"Piers Morgan is getting on television every night and flat out lying to the American people about gun control. Nearly every statistic that he quotes is inaccurate and he fails to acknowledge a whole host of statistics that would instantly invalidate the arguments that he is trying to make."
"...what Piers Morgan fails to tell you is that the overall rate of violent crime in the UK is about 4 times higher than it is in the United States." Yet we're told how much of a better place the UK is than the US in terms of crime...
"#5 The violent crime rate in the United States actually fell from 757.7 per 100,000 in 1992 to 386.3 per 100,000 in 2011. During that same time period, the murder rate fell from 9.3 per 100,000 to 4.7 per 100,000. This was during an era when gun laws in the United States generally became much less restrictive." ... and at a time when gun ownership in the U.S. was expanding exponentially
"A few high profile gun advocates have even ended up dead in recent days."
Hmmm. This last thing is pretty disturbing. And what's to say that those advocates haven't been murdered because of their perceived gun community leadership or some specific thing they said? They probably were. Either there is a huge and unlikely coincidence in play, or...

The linked article not only lays out the facts, but also points to source material. It's pretty useful if you find yourself needing to understand how to debate the issue.

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